Otamhua means The Place Where Children Collected Sea Bird's Eggs.
It's from the pepper trees found in the island.
Where did the name Quail Island come from?
It is from Europe, as Captain William Mein Smith gave it its European name when he saw quails on the island. So from reading between the lines it tells me that there's a possibility it is from Europe.
How big is the island?
81 Hectare Area (Ha), with a high point of 86 metres.
What wildlife is present on the island-native/introduced?
Birds such as black-backed/karoro and red-billed gull/tarupanga, white-flippered penguins/korora, terns, shags and oystercatchers are often noticed from the observation point. Fantails/piwakawaka and grey wablers/iroriro can also be found on the island.
Banks Peninsula weta have recently been moved to the island- you may spot man made built weta homes stuck to the trunks of manuka trees.
On warm summer days you can spot lizards, geckos and skinks.
Mahinga kai, food gathering was an important activity for Maori. What food did they gather from Otamahua?
They gathered Shellfish, Flax, Bird eggs and other food.
How have introduced species (animals/birds/insects) damaged the environment?
Rats and rabbit ate most of the native eggs on the island.
What rules has DOC created to help protect Otamahua?
No any animals allowed
No fires (except gas-fried BBQ's)
Be respectful of all wildlife, plants, natural and historic features
No rubbish left on the island
No unauthorised vehicles (including mountain bikes) allowed
Camping is not allowed, except for designated areas
Bait stations and predator traps in use at all times. Read the warning signs on the wharf and around the island
Do not remove the rocks from the sea wall along the beach
Having these rules could be saving the wildlife, plants, natural and historic features on the island. This also makes the island safer for others, and makes it more of a public attraction. With these rules around the living things in the island would be safe, and people who want to learn about these could learn them without the fear of being in a dangerous situation.
What is Kaitiakitanga?
Kaitiakitanga= Guardianship
Kaitiaki= Guardian- Look after it
Tanga=To do something
What is Sustainability? -> Sustainable
-Keeping things for next generation
-Making sure there is some left
-Replacing what we take
What is a Rahui Tapu?
Sacred/ Restricted
A barrier that forbids you from going to a sacred place.
What do Kaitiakitanga, Sustainability & Rahui Tapu mean in relation to Quail Island?
Kaitiakitanga means to look after something or to do something. We are to look after Quail Island because it is a sacred place, this island was used as a quarantine station and was also used to train animals for the Antarctic Expedition. If we do not look after our island then it could cease to exist for the next generation, we need to make sure that Quail Island is still there for the next generation, and if we do take something from it we need to have a replacement for it.