
Thursday, 14 June 2018

Static Image

Task: Blog your static image and include your commentary.

Static image:


'Abomination' by Robert Swindells.

In this novel, a young girl named Martha Dewhurst is stuck living in a life where she can't do anything she wants. She can't listen to pop music, watch TV, and she can't wear shop bought clothes.

My static image portrays the idea that you can't always get everything you want in life, and that sometimes it could be depressing.

In my static image, the musical notes represent the music. The microphone represents pop music singers. The dress on the MP3 player screen represents the clothes she badly wants to wear. The forbidden sign represents how the music playing on the MP3 player is forbidden, and how the dress is also forbidden. The earphones represent how Martha likes pop music because she wants to listen to them. The quote on the screen acts like the lyrics playing from the song.  

I have included musical notes, a microphone, dress, MP3 player and earphones to my static image because these are the elements I need in order to show my idea for the quote I have chosen. I think these elements I have picked will really show the audience what I'm trying to portray, and how it connects to the quote.

My static image is not that colourful, this is because I'm trying to portray how not being able to do things can make your life dull and depressing. The only colourful object in my image is the dress. The reason for that is because that dress is her hope, and it's one of the things that can save her from her depressing life. The dress also acts as the representative for the clothes Martha wants to wear. The rest of the objects in my image is colour in black or gray. My background is the colour white because it represents how boring and plain Martha's life is. These three colours represent depression, sadness, and boringness, and those are the reasons why I have chosen to use them in my image. 

I used the quote "I like pop music, and TV and clothes but I can't have them. They're forbidden" to show that even the simplest things in life can be forbidden sometimes. 

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