Nanotechnology Engineer
A nanotechnology engineer works around the smallest, most amazing bits of science. They create new, tiny pieces of electronics. They make $95,900 every year and their salaries start from $52,010 and goes up to $150,830.
Most companies require a PhD in Biophysics, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or another field in order to become a nanotechnology engineer. Teamwork is needed for this job, you are responsible for directing and guiding other engineers in most workplace environments. Companies that are looking for nanotechnology engineers expect a candidate to be able to work with partners all over the world and to be able to think with a business-oriented mind. They also look for candidates that have great leadership skills, with strong problem solving skills even on a different level. Public speaking skills are also required, because engineers in nanotechnology will have to make announcements about plans to insiders and outsiders, as well as write reports and essays.
Nanotechnology engineers learn new things that changes health, science, technology and the environment. They test pollutants, creates powders to enrich our food and medicines, they also study the smallest bits of DNA.
Nanotechnology engineers take advanced supplies and materials and they turn them into something new. They also create new and improved ways of watching out and improving the environment.
Nanotechnology engineers that work with nanoelectronics will create smaller, efficient chips, cards, and even smaller computer parts to make products that can do as much bigger products without so much electronic waste.
Behind the scenes, nanotechnology engineers must be good with paperwork and detailed description writing.
Richard Feynman
Richard Feynman was born on May 11 1918, and later died on February 15 1988. Richard held an appointment at the
University of Winsconsin-Madison as an assistant professor of physics, but he was unpaid leave during his involvement in the Manhattan project. In 1945 he received a letter requesting him for his return to teaching at College of Letters and Science, he did not return.
Richard Feynman had a record label with Tuvamuch Music. Due to lack of evidence Richard Feynman hasn't worked for any company.
Ricahrd Feynman discovered nanotechnology. On his time on earth, Richard Feynman had won many awards, was in 3 movies, and had 15 books.
- He was awarded the Albert Einstein Award and the Lawrence Award.
- He was an educator and popularised through his books and lectures.
My thoughts:
Why did you choose to study this job?
I chose to research nanotechnology engineering because it fascinated me, it got me interested.
Would you like to do this job?
I would like to do this job because it's interesting. I like everything about technology so having a job that is related to technology would be cool. I would love to learn more about technology, and how to improve them.
What skills do you have that you think would make you good (or bad) at this job?
The skill I have to make me good for this job is that I am good in writing, I like being as descriptive as I can be.
Something that might not make me good for this job is that I'm too shy to have good leadership skills and I'm not very good with problem solving.
How good do you think you would be at the job?
I think I would be in the middle, not over the top good but also not at the rock bottom bad.
Asking people in class:
The first person I asked didn't know anything about the job. For her, the job would be fun because it would be interesting to work with technology. She would not want to have this job because she thinks that it's too complicated to work with technology.
The second person I asked didn't know anything either. She doesn't think that it would be fun because she has no interest in this job. She wouldn't want to do this job because she's not a social active person.